It's me, Lisa. I use to write on this blog.
Here are things I have been doing with my spare time lately, instead of blogging:
spending hours online looking at ideas for the wedding
cleaning my mans apt, because I'm swell.
putting on my bare minerals make-up because I love it
finally deciding on a wedding style & colors.
dreaming of Diet Coke, and drinking water.
changing my wedding style & colors.
making a final decision on the wedding colors.
watching HGTV.
starting 187 projects I wont finish.
changing the final wedding colors.
baking stuff I am currently not allowed to eat.
finally seeking advice from my (soon-to-be) MIL & REALLY deciding on wedding specifics.
missing my fam.
meeting some new fun peeps.
starting 3 new scrapbooks.
losing 11 pounds.
trying to figure how all of my belongings will fit in B's apt.
trying to figure out how I will keep my sanity when it comes time to make my 7th move in the past 2 years.
dreaming of being married.
becoming incredibly antsy for out paperwork to show up.
learning some exciting news from a good friend.
24. for hours on end.
crying. in a good way.
are the crying and diet coke de-tox related?
11 pounds is phenomenal (sp?)
you can't go wrong with brenda's wedding advice. and your colors won't really matter anyway. but- fun to stress about just for fun- right?
3 scrapbooks? awesome. did you make a "hot tub" scrapbook? can't wait to see it... -
DANG!!! You've accomplished a lot more than me. I sit around eating to hide the queeziness. And sleep--a lot. I am thinking I will have some energy soon. Let me know if you need help with anything in the next couple of months...
Ooooh, what colors are you thinking of for your wedding? I lurve brown!! Way to go on losing eleven pounds! How the heck did you do that? I want in!
You are getting married??? Congratulations Lisha! I am so happy for you. Way to go on your weight loss.. 11 pounds is a lot, especially for such a small lady.
I guess I should read everyones blogs more ofter! I just went through your blog... what a cute engagement. I am so so happy for you Lisha!
haha i love you!!! what have you decided on!!!
i cant believe you lost 11 lbs!!! Check you out!!!!!!!
its probably the lack of sounds :(