
at Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Posted by Lisa Best

My entire life I have felt I was disorganized, unsystematic in tasks & priorities, and a HUGE procrastinator... all of which I desperately want to change. I don't know why it is that I wait until the last minute to take care of something, make a jumbled mess of my surroundings, or misplace everything I own... I just do! But I am here to say that I am progressing! Slowly but surely I am changing the things about myself that caused me to feel so scatterbrained all the time.

Over the past year, since my divorce & since making the decision to move away from home, I have made a commitment to myself to really think about what I want to change, not just spiritually, but in all aspects. I see negative habits dimming as I take the time to stop and think before I act. The things that I am consistently working on are seemingly small, but when ignored, cause the biggest stress in my day-to-day life--Like putting my keys in the same place every time I put them away, or taking a minute to finish a task completely before jumping to another. It is a slow process, but I feel so much more "with it" lately. And it puts me so much more at ease. 

I have gotten way organized at work: typing up and color coding our processes for orders, expense reports, travel, etc. And have made labeled binders for each category, so as to not get everything so mixed up! Plus scheduling e-mail marketing dates and shipments. Even organized my shipping cabinet as you can see below!

I got my iCal set up separating personal/work and synced it all with my iPhone so I have all my info when I need it! (For those 2am frantic calls from consultants! :)

Most importantly, I (finally) worked out my budget and figured exactly how and when each debt will be paid off (I'm almost out!) And how much I need to be saving (ugh.) 

I also am trying desperately to simplify. That is difficult for a pack rat :). I think this is the hardest part of my "transformation". I am so sentimental. But, I have begun to thin out my clothes, books, movies, & junk, junk, junk. (including the most recent...giving away my old wedding dress) I used to watch Clean Sweep on TLC and always felt like the hosts were so harsh, not letting Susie-Q keep her 30-50 ratty stuffed animals from childhood... But as I go through this same process, It does feel quite good to say goodbye to the "once loved, now stored" clutter :)

Deep breath :) ...Ahhhh.


  1. Hey Lisa! I'm glad you found my blog! How are you doing? You look so cute and happy! I am not in law school, I couldn't do it! I have a law class though that is for sure kicking my butt!!